Saturday, December 11, 2010

Owl Time

Here's an image which I created this year which symbolizes the end of a cycle. The winter, moon time. When space is made for introspection, darkness, reflection, quietness and self truth.
(Yes I know, this owl is not a plant, continue reading...)

In the winter there are many food and medicine plants in the wild and gardens. This late fall/early winter i have harvested licorice root, dandelion root and leaves, usnea, oregon grape root, a few cotton wood buds (i have always found more in february), and cattail roots.

From our garden we are still harvesting kale, mustard (in the greenhouse), bit of chard, carrots, beets after the heavy snow.


  1. Wow, Tessa, what a beautiful blog you've created! Your art and words remind me how much i miss having you as a daily part of my life. But, i'm glad that you're earthen spirit lives on strongly, and that you can share little glimpses of it with others even from a far.

    Your Pine needle basket is way cool!

    As the winter sets in, i've started writing again too... in fact last night i just posted a piece on my blog about invasives that you might like:)

    much love,

  2. thanks mike!
    i checked out your log- it's super inspiring. thanks for sharing your creative sustainable projects with the world...
    i loved the article about seed balls, invasives and phenology!

    can't wait to see you again, sometime.

