Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Today is Imbolc!
We've come to the lighter side of winter.
In two weeks we'll have 10 hours of light a day!

Soon it will be Fenruary 14th when there's enough sunlight to start planting lots of seeds in the Greenhouse. In a few weeks we can plant Arugula, Mustards, kale, chard, hardy lettuces, hardy mesclun mix, greenhouse radishes, peas in pots/gutters to transplant outside later on.....

In Celebration of Imbolc we followed the tradition of running around outside, making loud funny noises and telling the trees that it is time to wake up. We all had sticks and banged the trees, telling them to come back to life, because we made it through the darker side of winter!

If you know anything else about this tradition, let me know. This is the first time that I have learnt about it.

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